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taking stock of progress towards the Millennium Development Goals

Published: Monday, September 06, 2010

Dear colleagues and supportersof the Act Now on 2015 campaign, As you know, in less than 3 weeks' time, the UN Summit on the MDGs will take place in New York, taking stock of progress towards the Millennium Development Goals.In addition...

Findings of the All-Ireland Traveller Health Study

Published: Saturday, September 04, 2010

Mary Harney, Minister for Health & Children, today (Thursday 2nd September, 2010) welcomed the publication of the findings of the All-Ireland Traveller Health Study, which she launched in July 2007.The Department of Health and Children in conjunction with the Department of...

National Women’s Council of Ireland calls for urgent action to get more women into the Dail

Published: Thursday, September 02, 2010

Ireland's already abysmal level of women politicians has fallen still further this week, with announcements from Olwyn Enright and Liz McManus that they are to quit the Dail. Ireland has now plummetted from 84th in the world ranking to 88th,...

Women opting out of the workplace is not a result of choice, but of a lack of it

Published: Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Motherhood, the bête noire of 1970s feminism, is emerging as the raison d'être for 2010 feminismWHAT'S REALLY going on with women like Olwyn Enright, who quit a full-time job and head for home? It's convenient to view her move...

Miriam and Olwyn show why women avoid politics

Published: Monday, August 30, 2010

WHEN oh when is the big shiny penny going to drop with the XY chromosomes that dominate the governing part of the body politic in this country?Could the various hand-wringers in Leinster House perhaps stop moaning about the sad...

A Million Women vs. Wal-Mart

Published: Monday, August 30, 2010

For nine years, Wal-Mart has fought to stave off a class-action lawsuit alleging that the company has long discriminated against its female workers in pay and promotions. So far it has avoided a trial on the merits of the issue....


Published: Sunday, August 29, 2010

Dear Supporter, As someone who cares about children in the developing world, can I ask for a minute of your time?Last year Ireland made a promise to spend 0.7% of our national income on overseas aid by 2015. We must keep...

Heart disease in women to be highlighted by range of events

Published: Thursday, August 26, 2010

HEART DISEASE is the number one killer of Irish women, the Irish Heart Foundation said yesterday as it announced events for next month to highlight the issue.Consultant physician Dr Kate McGarry, chairwoman of the foundation's council on women and...

Calling all Older LGBT People…

Published: Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Homosexuality was criminalised, their relationships were often totally invisible, and many experienced discrimination, exclusion and even violence. While many survived and thrived, for many others those experiences have had a lasting impact.There has been enormous progress in Ireland over...

Launch of the Irish Human Rights Commission Annual Report 2009

Published: Tuesday, August 24, 2010

     Ms. Mary White T.D.Minister of State for Equality, Integration & Human Rights Launch of the Irish Human Rights Commission Annual Report 2009 I am delighted to be here today with you all to launch your 2009 Annual Report. This is...

Why men who use prostitutes can be as dangerous as Larry Murphy

Published: Monday, August 23, 2010

What is it that men in Ireland want, sexually, from women? Significant numbers, it seems, want to be able to have a girlfriend or a wife, with whom to enjoy socially accepted intimate relationships, while at the same time secretly...


Published: Sunday, August 22, 2010

22% increase in demands on Ruhama's services...In its Annual Statistics Report for 2009, published today, Ruhama confirmed that it had assisted 196 women affected by prostitution throughout the year. This included a significant number of women who had been trafficked into this...

Cheering Civil Rights

Published: Saturday, August 21, 2010

In a colourful display of solidarity, 3,000 gay, lesbian and bisexual people marched through the heart of Dublin to demand civil rights for same sex marriage. The march, organised by LBGT group Noise, took place on Sunday and ran from Dublin...

Good Intentions Are Not Enough, say 67 anti-poverty organisations

Published: Thursday, August 19, 2010

One month ahead of crucial UN Summit, NGOs urge the Government to publish a plan to deliver on Ireland's aid commitments.The 67 anti-poverty groups and NGOs in the "Act Now on 2015" campaign have called on the Government to urgently publish...

Women will have to wait 50 years for pay equality

Published: Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Women managers will wait more than 50 years before their salaries are the same as their male counterparts, according to a new study today.The pay of female bosses rose by 2.8% in the last 12 months, but they earned £10,000 less on average...

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