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‘Minister, I’m 7. Who’s going to mind me?’ Statement by OPEN, Barnardos and the National Women’s Cou

Published: Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Press Release OPEN, Barnardos and the National Women's Council of Ireland have expressed serious concern at proposals to change the One Parent Family Payment (OPFP) outlined in the Social Welfare Bill, published today. The three organisations said that measures in...


Published: Wednesday, April 11, 2012

1. Aim of the Project- To identify gender equality issues for women in the social welfare system who will be activated under the new Single Age Working Payment (SWAP) and the new National Employment and Entitlements Service (NEES) under the Department...

Campaign groups vow to fight one-parent family cutbacks

Published: Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Lone parents are being attacked out of the blue and new social welfare rules which will see the one-parent family payment paid only up to the age of seven will be "opposed vehemently", campaign groups say.By 2015, all lone parents...

Feminists hail explosion in new grassroots groups

Published: Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Dozens of new organisations are springing up around the UK, campaigning on issues from lads' mags to benefit cuts.It was the lads' mags - with semi-naked women in suggestive poses on their covers - being sold at eye level...

Time to correct imbalance of genders in news media

Published: Tuesday, April 03, 2012

LISTENING TO any of the Republic's major current affairs radio programmes, one could be forgiven for thinking that women, by and large, are not interested in the news or have nothing interesting to say on the serious topics of our...

Empowering women with confidence and strength

Published: Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Local woman Catherine Cooke, Co-ordinator of Foyle Women's Information Network, has recently returned from Vienna in Austria, where she was invited to speak on a global platform on the role of Northern Irish Women. The trip highlighted how the empowerment...

PRESS RELEASE National Women’s Council of Ireland call for interim measures to vindicate the rights

Published: Tuesday, April 03, 2012

04 April 2012The NWCI welcomes the move by the Council of Europe to question the Irish government on what interim measures it has in place to respond to women with life threatening pregnancies, while the government ponders over the implementation the 2010...

Mind the gender gap: Ireland’s rating is on the rise

Published: Monday, April 02, 2012

IRELAND HAS CLIMBED two places in the World Economic Forum's gender equality league table to sixth place.The Global Gender Gap Report measures equality in the areas of politics, education, employment and health.Ireland still ranks behind Iceland, Norway, Finland,...

United Nations Commission on the Status of Women fails to uphold women’s human rights

Published: Thursday, March 29, 2012

ALEX GARITAThu, 22 Mar, 2012 The United Nations Commission on the Status of Women meets every year for two weeks to review progress on implementation of the Fourth World Conference on Women's Beijing Platform for Action adopted in 1995. The theme of this...

Column: Muslim women face all kinds of assumptions. Let’s look behind the headscarves

Published: Thursday, March 29, 2012

"DO YOU KNOW what it's like to represent a billion human beings every day you walk out of your house? To be looked at as the representative of an entire world religion?"A world religion?"Do you know what that's...

Female genital mutilation officially banned in Ireland

Published: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION has been banned in Ireland.A bill outlawing the practice was passed by the Seanad this afternoon having already gone through all the stages in the Dáil.As well as prohibiting the practice, the new legislation...

Pioneering feminist poet Adrienne Rich dead at 82

Published: Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Poet and essayist Adrienne Rich, a feminist literary figure celebrated as much for deeply personal reflections on her own life as for sometimes-biting social commentary, has died at age 82, family members said on Wednesday.Rich, who received a galaxy of...

460 end pregnancies in UK

Published: Thursday, March 22, 2012

INSIDE the last three years, a reported 460 women from Limerick travelled to the UK to have their pregnancies terminated. The figures were obtained by the Limerick Post as calls were being made for the Government to tackle the promised abortion...

O’Callaghan Hotels ordered to pay €315,000

Published: Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The O'Callaghan Hotels group has declined to comment after the Equality Tribunal ordered it to pay €315,000 to a former employee.The tribunal found that the hotel chain had dismissed its former Director of Sales and Marketing, Julie O'Brien, because she...

The rise of Mormon feminist bloggers

Published: Monday, March 19, 2012

Women are using social media to challenge the patriarchy of the Mormon churchOn her 30th birthday, which she celebrated in New York City, D'Arcy Benincosa did the wildest thing she could think of: she ordered a cup of coffee. The...

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