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Spring Statement is disappointing for Women -Gender perspective needed in National Economic Dialogue

Published: Wednesday, April 29, 2015

In response to the Government’s Spring Statement today, the National Women’s Council of Ireland expresses disappointment at the lack of high level commitment to public investment in areas such as childcare and to employment policies that...

New Gender Matters in Health Video is now Online!

Published: Tuesday, April 28, 2015

NWCI, with funding from the HSE, has produced a video to raise awareness amongst healthcare professionals and NGOs of the importance of gender in health policy, planning and service delivery and to support NWCI Gender Matters Training Programme. It is...

World Congress on Women’s Mental Health

Published: Tuesday, April 28, 2015

In Tokyo last month, NWCI made a successful bid to host the 7th World Congress on Women’s Mental Health in Dublin from 6-8 March 2017. We will host it in partnership with Conference partners and Trinity College Dublin. We...

Consultation on HSE draft Maternity Services Charter.

Published: Tuesday, April 28, 2015

NWCI in partnership with HSE has been undertaking consultations on the HSE draft Maternity Services Charter during March and April. There has been great interest in identifying priorities for our maternity services to make them more responsive to the needs...

Fundit! Counter Culture

Published: Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Those of you who came to the opening of NWCI's new home, or who attended our seminar on representations of women's work last July will be familar with Katie O'Kelly's solo show COUNTER CULTURE. COUNTER CULTURE...

Tackling the childcare crisis requires more than extended parental leave

Published: Tuesday, April 07, 2015

In response to media reports that the Government is considering proposals to introduce paternity leave and to lengthen parental leave to one year, NWCI today welcomed the proposals but highlighted that any new leave entitlement would need to be paid...

Low pay and precarious work create income crisis for women in Ireland

Published: Thursday, March 19, 2015

The National Women’s Council of Ireland today responded to the Nevin Economic Research Institute’s (NERI) latest quarterly economic bulletin which highlighted that 60 % of low paid workers are women. Alice-Mary Higgins, Policy Officer with NWCI stated, &ldquo...

NWCI in New York for the Beijing+20 Commission on the Status of Women

Published: Thursday, March 19, 2015

The UN Commission on the Status of Women meet each year at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.  This year, NWCI joined representatives from Member States, International Organisations and civil society across the world for a special 59th...

NWCI at the ICTU’s Women’s Seminar in Belfast

Published: Thursday, March 19, 2015

Our Membership Development Officer, Eilis Ni Chaithnia, attended the 2015 ICTU’s Women’s Seminar in Belfast on 5 and 6 March. The seminar was a great opportunity to explore a myriad of equality issues that impact on women’s...

A Woman’s Place is in the World - Beijing+20 Conference

Published: Thursday, March 19, 2015

Over 300 people took part in "A Woman's Place is in the World", the joint NWCI and IHREC conference in Dublin Castle.  The conference, on women's human rights, heard from President Michael D. Higgins, Mary Robinson, former President...

NWCI votes YES for Marriage Equality!

Published: Wednesday, March 18, 2015

NWCI votes YES for Marriage Equality! NWCI is eager to play our part in securing a YES vote in the Marriage Equality Referendum. Along with Moninne Griffith, NWCI’s chairperson and head of Marriage Equality, we are inviting our...

NWCI launch Better Boards, Better Business, Better Society

Published: Wednesday, March 18, 2015

In the lead up to International Women's Day, NWCI launched our latest publication "Better Boards, Better Business, Better Society." Renowned Icelandic woman entrepreneur, Halla Tomasdottir launched the new National Women’s Council of Ireland handbook, which aims increase...

Thank you to everyone who took part in #NWCISoapbox

Published: Wednesday, March 18, 2015

A massive thank you to everyone who took part in #NWCISoapbox, by speaking on the Soapbox, coming to Central Bank to hear the speeches or by joining the conversation around what women want online.  We had a great day,...

Future Voices - Youth:Elect

Published: Wednesday, March 18, 2015

As a result of the work that Future Voices does with marginalised young people, they have seen how disenfranchised and disengaged young people are with the political process. Young people are not engaging because there is very little for them...

Challenging the status quo with sportswomen.ie

Published: Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Media coverage of women's sport is about 4-7%, depending on which report you give most weight to, yet the demand for media coverage is far greater. After being part of the Irish National Hockey team for 10 years, Sharon Hutchinson...

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