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Published: Tuesday, April 05, 2011

'Joking about raping women is never funny and the Garda Commissioner must act immediately to show that the appalling attitudes displayed by members of the force are unacceptable and will not be tolerated,'said Susan McKay, chief executive of the...

Caring for Carers Ireland, Annual Conference, 26 March 2011

Published: Sunday, April 03, 2011

Clare Treacy, chairperson of the National Women's Council of Ireland, gave a presentation on a gender perspective of caring at the Annual Conference of Caring of Careers Ireland."The NWCI has a mission to promote the equality and participation of...

Banúlacht launch the Mná Sasa manifesto

Published: Monday, March 21, 2011

New on Banúlacht's websiteOn March 1st last, Banúlacht launched the Mná Sasa manifesto: a grassroots feminist manifesto developed by Irish and Tanzanian participants in the Banúlacht - Kivulini ExChange programme. For more information about the Manifesto, and...

General Information about the Census

Published: Tuesday, March 15, 2011

General Information about the CensusHow does the census take place?A census form is delivered to every household in Ireland by a census enumerator who will call back after the census to collect the completed form. The head of every...


Published: Monday, March 14, 2011

THE WOMEN'S THERAPY CENTRE REQUIRE A VOLUNTEER EVENTS ORGANISER (PART-TIME)The Women's Therapy Centre (WTC) provides an accessible and affordable professional psychotherapy service for individual women, particularly women marginalised by social injustices. The WTC specifically provides a specialist psychotherapy service...

The Other Half

Published: Sunday, March 13, 2011

'The Other Half' programme was launched on the 23rd November 2010. The Other Half is an alliance of men's and women's national networks working together to end men's violence against women. This alliance includes:Ø SAFE Ireland which is the national representative...

Normal Cabinet service resumes with jobs for the boys… again

Published: Thursday, March 10, 2011

The following article was written by NWCI CEO Susan McKay and appears in today's Irish Times.The shafting of Joan Burton proves it. We have gender apartheid in Irish politics. The country is once again to be run by Irish...

Women’s council critical of Cabinet

Published: Wednesday, March 09, 2011

THE NATIONAL Women's Council of Ireland's chief executive Susan McKay has criticised what she described as the "marginalisation" of women in the new Cabinet.She said it was "a disgrace" that the newly appointed Labour Minister for Social Protection Joan...

Coalition to Protect the Lowest Paid

Published: Saturday, March 05, 2011

Victory for Campaign to Reverse the Cut to the Minimum WageThe Coalition to Protect the Lowest Paid is celebrating a significant victory regarding the agreement contained in the new Programme for Government that the cut to the minimum wage which...

National CO-ORDINATOR Position with the NCCWN

Published: Thursday, March 03, 2011

Marriage Equality is looking for couples and families for a new media campaign

Published: Thursday, March 03, 2011

Later this year, Marriage Equality is launching a new campaign, called " Just Love ". We'll be featuring photos of couples and families, with the tagline " Just Love " on billboards, campaign materials and our website. We are building on the success of...

Traveller Education DVD Launch

Published: Wednesday, March 02, 2011

March 21 11.30am, Pavee Point Travellers' Centre, 46 North Great Charles Street, Dublin 1Join us on International Day against Racism as we launch our latest DVD resource on education.The DVD will be launched by Professor Tom Collins, President, NUI MaynoothPavee Parents:...

More women in politics - Tell your Labour TDs now

Published: Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Claiming our Future CampaignThis is a critical moment in our campaign to ensure that more women are elected to the Dail.We now know what happens when only one candidate in six is a woman - we get a new...

NWCI calls on new government to commit to increasing women’s participation in politics

Published: Sunday, February 27, 2011

The following article written by Susan McKay, chief executive of the National Women's Council of Ireland, appears in today's Daily Mail. An image from the election campaign. Beautiful, smart Miriam O'Callaghan perched on a barstool interviewing a circle made up...


Published: Sunday, February 27, 2011

www.theotherhalf.ie To Whom it may concernI wish to advise you of the launch of 'The Other Half' on the 23rd November 2010. The Other Half is an alliance of men's and women's national networks working together to end men's...

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