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Dr. Soraya Rahim Sobhrang from Afghanistan receives 6th Annual Front Line Award

Published: Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dr. Soraya Rahim Sobhrang from Afghanistan today received the 2010 Front Line Award for Human Rights Defenders At Risk. The Award was presented by Andrea Corr, at a prestigious ceremony in Dublin's City Hall attended by diplomats, political and business leaders...

Africa Day Celebrations in Dublin’s Iveagh Gardens

Published: Sunday, May 16, 2010

Thousands of people enjoyed a free, family-focused afternoon in Iveagh Gardens in Dublin to celebrate Africa Day 2010.Africa Day Dublin, hosted by Irish Aid, the Government's overseas development programme, celebrates the diversity and potential of Africa and draws on the...

New Funding Initiative to foster Gender Equality

Published: Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Minister of State for Equality, Integration and Human Rights, Ms. Mary White T.D., launched a new phase of the Equality for Women Measure at an event in Government Buildings.Minister White told the gathering that the Government hopes...


Published: Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Irish Examiner 11th May 2010It is strange how we take pornography for granted as part of our daily lives. Reaching for our Examiner, our eyes meet the looming breasts of the models in the "Lads mags" on the upper shelves...

Protect Minimum Wage

Published: Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Cutting the minimum wage is not the answerA flawed assumption prevails within business, media and political circles that cutting the minimum wage would somehow assist economic recovery and improve competitiveness. For starters this approach will not help create employment. Much...

Reflecting on Our Spaces at the CSW

Published: Wednesday, April 28, 2010

By Margot Baruch & Keely SwanAs young women working in a feminist and women's human rights organization based in the global North, we attended the 54th session on the UN Commission of the Status of Women and have the following...

Reflection by National Women’s Council Director at International Worker’s Memorial Day

Published: Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"Remember the dead, fight for the living."This event was organised by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions as a ceremony of remembrance and reflection for people who have lost their lives because of their work. In 2009, 43 workers in Ireland...

European Womens Lobby Strategic plan

Published: Saturday, April 24, 2010

Deadline: 5 May 2010Dear EWL members,We are pleased to invite you to contribute to the next EWL Strategic Plan for the period 2011-2015. As a membership-based organisation with more than 2500 Member Organisations, the European Women's Lobby views the contribution of...

Female Genital Mutilation Bill welcomed

Published: Tuesday, April 20, 2010

OUTLAW BARBARIC MUTILATION OF WOMEN, SAYS NWCI.Female genital mutilation (FGM) must be outlawed in Ireland, and it must become an offence to take a child abroad for the purpose of performing FGM on her, according to the National Women's...

Europa Donna wins award ‘9 Things you Should Know about Breast Cancer’

Published: Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Our Members and partners in all things Breast health, Europa Donna Ireland have just won a Crystal Clear Award for health literacy. Their "9 Things you Should Know about Breast Cancer" Leaflet, launched by Minister Mary Harney last October was given...

Fertility clinic will only treat married couples…..Irish Daily Mail (Friday 16 April 2010)

Published: Thursday, April 15, 2010

By Susan McKay, Director of the National Women's Council of Ireland When my daughters were small, we went to live in a very conservative little village in the far North. At their very Protestant state school, they were approached by...

NWCI supports the MCRI Campaign for the Rights of Migrant Workers to Change Employers

Published: Thursday, April 15, 2010

Minister Batt O'KeeffeMinister for Enterprise, Trade and Innovation23 Kildare StreetDublin 2 16 April 2010 Dear Minister O'Keeffe, The National Women's Council of Ireland is shocked by the exploitation of migrant workers in this country by unscrupulous employers, and we call on you to...

AIMS Ireland Press Release —April 7, 2010

Published: Monday, April 12, 2010

Nearly a quarter of women found the care they received in the Irish Maternity System after they gave birth to be "poor". A new survey carried out by AIMS Ireland (Association for Improvements in the Maternity Services, Ireland) found that 22%...

Ireland: A Land of a thousand welcomes?

Published: Monday, April 12, 2010

BY ELLA O'DWYERSALOME MBUGUA, from Kenya, is the director of AkiDwA, (the African Women's Network Ireland), an organisation committed to empowering African women living in Ireland. The organisation recently launched a report calling on the Government to address health and...

Joint EWL and Oxfam publication on Women and the Recession

Published: Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Women's poverty and social exclusion in the European Union at a time of recession An Invisible Crisis?All over the world, women remain poor in relation to men. This also is true in every member state of the European Union....

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