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Irish Examiner : Women’s groups call for end to political gender gap

Published: Wednesday, July 29, 2009

POLITICAL parties should be forced to run an equal number of male and female candidates in future elections, according to the National Women's Council of Ireland.Speaking after the launch of a damning National Women's Council of Ireland (NWCI) survey...

Women’s organizations are facing closure as government ransacks equality budget, according to the N

Published: Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The government has once again showed contempt for the women of Ireland by taking money designated for getting women into jobs and into decision making positions to spend on budget shortfalls. In April, the government allocated almost €5 million for these...

80% of local female candidates demand a ‘critical mass’ to reduce gender imbalance

Published: Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The National Women's Council of Ireland (NWCI) has today released some startling results from its most recent survey: 'How can we increase women's participation in politics?' 'The results of the local elections in June were disastrous for women's equality...

Women’s organisations facing closure as government ransacks equality budget, July 29th 2009

Published: Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The government has once again showed contempt for the women of Ireland by taking money designated for getting women into jobs and into decision-making positions to spend on budget short-falls. In April, the government allocated almost €5 million for these measures...

Irish Independent : Families and elderly to bear brunt of swinging cuts

Published: Thursday, July 16, 2009

FAMILIES and elderly people are to be lashed by the measures proposed in yesterday's An Bord Snip report. The authors called for swingeing cuts in child benefit, changes in the drugs payments scheme, higher charges for school transport, and higher...

Bord Snip Nua Slashes Women’s Equality

Published: Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The disastrous cuts to women's equality programmes proposed in the Report of the Special Group on Public Service Numbers and Expenditure Programmes would wreck hard won advances in the fight for women's equality and would be particularly devastating for women...

Women’s lives cannot be jeopardised by further cutbacks to women’s health services

Published: Monday, July 13, 2009

The National Women's Council of Ireland (NWCI) supports the Well Women Centre's (WWC) call to ensure that the most-at-risk groups are targeted in planning future delivery of the Cervical Check National Screening Service. The Dublin Well Women Centre is a...

Child Benefit

Published: Sunday, July 12, 2009

The National Women's Council of Ireland welcomes the comments of Minister for Social and Family Affairs, Mary Hanaifan T.D. recognising that 'child benefit is a highly payment of mothers' in Ireland. However any proposal to cut Child Benefit will...

National Women’s Council of Ireland says government policy on gender balance travestied

Published: Tuesday, July 07, 2009

The National Women's Council of Ireland (NWCI) has to-day called for a complete review and examination of how the Government's stated commitment to achieving a minimum of 40 percent representation of women on State boards is being implemented. This comes in...

Irish Times : Call for tax relief on pensions to be abolished

Published: Sunday, July 05, 2009

TAX RELIEF on private pensions should be abolished and the money saved put into a State pension for everyone that would keep all women and men over the age of 65 out of poverty, according to the National Women's Council of...

The Sunday Times : Battle for redress for thousands of Magdalene Slaves

Published: Saturday, July 04, 2009

They still feel like forgotten victims: in all the row following the publication in May of the Ryan report, the estimated 30,000 girls who were treated as slave labour in Magdalene laundries never received a public apology or redress, according to...

NWCI calls on Government once again to protect child benefit payments

Published: Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The NWCI completely opposes any changes or cuts to, or means-testing of Child Benefit in the up-coming report from An Bord Snip Nua to the Minister for Finance Brian Lenihan TD.The NWCI is making this statement in response to...

Irish Times : Governor warns on over-crowding in women’s prisons – NWCI AGM

Published: Friday, June 19, 2009

THE DÓCHAS women's prison is operating at 40 per cent over capacity following a dramatic rise in admissions, the prison governor told a conference yesterday.View full article »

National Women’s Council of Ireland, Annual General Meeting, June 19, 2009

Published: Thursday, June 18, 2009

'Let's not let a mere recession and the men who are running this country get in our way in the fight for women's equality', the Chairwoman of the NWCI, Maura Butler, said today. She was speaking at the AGM of...

Irish Examiner : It’s not just about women’s issues

Published: Monday, May 25, 2009

WHEN the first local elections took place in Ireland in 1899, one newspaper ran a front page story reporting "loud laughter" at the announcement that the ballot would give women the right to vote for the first time in this country...

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