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ICCL Irish Council Civil Liberties

ICCL Irish Council Civil Liberties ICCL is Ireland's oldest human rights organisation founded in 1976 by Mary Robinson and other prominent activists, ICCL is fully independent of government and business and fearless in our advocacy. Our mandate is to speak truth to power, even when it is unpopular or difficult. We work to ensure that everyone in Ireland can enjoy all of their rights, all of the time. ICCL is a membership organisation and we are fully independent of government. ICCL has been at the forefront of every major rights advance in Irish society for over 40 years. We helped legalise homosexuality, divorce, and contraception. We drove police reform, defending suspects' rights during dark times. ICCL is Ireland’s leading human rights organisation.
  • Irish Council for Civil Liberties,
    Unit 11, First Floor,
    34, Usher's Quay,
    Dublin 8,
    D08 DCW9

Immigrant Council of Ireland

Immigrant Council of Ireland

An independent NGO which seeks to address some of the emerging needs of immigrants in Ireland

INAR - Irish Network Against Racism

INAR - Irish Network Against Racism INAR is a network of anti racist groups in the community and nongovernmental sector in Ireland

Independent Living Movement Ireland (ILMI)

Independent Living Movement Ireland (ILMI)
  • 4 Brunswick Street North
    Carmichael House,
    Dublin D07 RHA8

Institute of Biodynamic Medicine Ltd

INTO Irish National Teachers Organisation

INTO Irish National Teachers Organisation The Irish National Teachers' Organisation, founded in 1868, is the oldest and largest teachers' trade union in Ireland. It represents teachers at primary level in the Republic of Ireland, and at primary and post-primary level in Northern Ireland.
  • Irish National Teachers’ Organisation
    35 Parnell Square
    D01 ET35

Irish Cancer Society

National project of the Irish Cancer Society & the leading provider of breast cancer information & support.

Irish Country Women’s Association

Provides a wide range of social & recreational activities, education & training

Irish Cycling Campaign

Dublin Cycling Campaign are working to encourage cycling and to represent the interests of everyday cyclists. They want to make the streets safer for cyclists and to increase public awareness of the benefits of cycling.
  • National Cycling Co-ordinator,
    An Taisce,
    Tailors' Hall,
    Back Lane,
    Dublin 8

Irish Farmers Association

Farming issues affecting women

  • Farm Family Committee,
    Irish Farm Centre,
    Dublin 12

Irish Federation of University Teachers

Trade union & professional association

Irish Federation of University Women

Past university students

Irish Girl Guides

Enables girls from all backgrounds to gow in self-confidence & develop skills

Irish Heart Foundation

Irish Heart Foundation The Irish Heart Foundation the national stroke and heart charity of Ireland. A community of people who fight to protect the cardiovascular health of everyone in Ireland.

Irish National Organisation of the Unemployed INOU

Irish National Organisation of the Unemployed INOU The INOU is a federation of unemployed people, unemployed centres, unemployed groups, community organisations and Trade Unions. The INOU represents and defends the rights and interests of those who want decent employment and cannot obtain it. We promote and campaign for policies to achieve full employment for all and an acceptable standard of living for unemployed people and their dependents.
  • Araby House,
    8 North Richmond Street,
    Dublin 1

Irish Nurses & Midwives Organisation - INMO

The INMO is the professional voice of nurses and midwives in Ireland with over 90 years of experience and achievement. Join us on our continuing journey and campaigns.
  • The Whitworth Building
    North Brunswick Street
    Dublin 7

Irish Osteoporosis Society

Irish Osteoporosis Society IOS is dedicated to reducing the incidence of Osteoporosis, a preventable bone disease in most cases, and promoting bone health. The IOS provides information to the public and health professionals on all aspects of the disease and offers support to people with Osteoporosis and everyone at risk from the disease.

Irish Penal Reform Trust

Established in 1994, the Irish Penal Reform Trust (IPRT) is Ireland's leading non-governmental organisation campaigning for rights in the penal system and the progressive reform of Irish penal policy. All of our work is underscored by our commitment to combating social injustice.

Irish Pharmacy Union

Irish Pharmacy Union The Irish Pharmacy Union is the professional representative organisation for community pharmacists, with a membership of approximately 2,300 pharmacists working in more than 1,800 community pharmacies throughout the country.
  • Butterfield House,
    Butterfield Avenue,
    Dublin 14,
    D14 E126

Irish Traveller Movement

The Irish Traveller Movement (ITM) is a national network of organisations and individuals working within the Traveller community. ITM was established in 1990 and now has over eighty Traveller organisations from all parts of Ireland in its membership. The Irish Traveller Movement consists of a partnership between Travellers and settled people committed to seeking full equality for Travellers in Irish society.

Irish Women Lawyers Association

Irish Women Lawyers Association

The Irish Women Lawyers Association (IWLA) aims to provide a professional and social network for women lawyers. The IWLA's three different categories of membership comprise judges, barristers, solicitors, academic lawyers, trainee lawyers in both the barrister and solicitor professions, law students and those interested in the work of the Association.

  • Law Library Distillery Building,
    145 Church Street,
    Dublin 7

ISSU Irish Second Level Student’s Union

ISSU Irish Second Level Student’s Union The ISSU is a not-for-profit, voluntary student rights’ organisation here to represent the second-level students of Ireland. The ISSU is the national umbrella body for school Student Councils, aiming to represent and connect Irish second-level students the length and breadth of the country, ensuring that the voice of the Irish second-level student is heard and striving for innovation and democracy within the education system. The ISSU believes that Young People are not merely citizens in waiting. Young People deserve better, they deserve to be heard. Young People can and will contribute positively to society. It is so important that voices, views and opinions of Young People are heard, listened to and most importantly respected.