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Published: Thursday, June 24, 2010

Salome Mbugua, CEO of the African & Migrant women's network, AkiDwA, was today elected as deputy chairperson of the National Women's Council at the organisations annual general meeting in Dublin today.

DSCF6665Tessa Collins, domestic violence co-ordinator with Pavee Point, was also elected to the board. It is the first time that an African woman, and the first time that a woman from the travelling community, have taken these positions.

DSCF0177Tessa Collins, domestic violence co-ordinator with Pavee Point.

The National Women's Council is the representative body for women in Ireland, with almost 200 member groups. Its membership includes trade unions, disability groups, traveller groups, migrant women's groups, violence against women organisations and business women's networks. It was set up as the Council for the Status of Women in 1973, and at times in the past has been accused of representing only middle class women, a charge it has always refuted.

Clare TreacyClare Treacy, Chairperson NWCI "Salome Mbugua and Tessa Collins are both brilliant women who have done a huge amount of work to promote the interests of their communities. Migrant women and traveller women suffer serious discrimination and disadvantage in Ireland today. We are delighted that they are now represented on our board," said CEO Susan McKay.

The new chairperson of the NWCI is Clare Treacey, director of social policy at the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation. "The time is right for the Women's Council to push a feminist agenda, and I am proud to be elected to this role at this challenging time for women in Ireland," said Ms Treacey. "It is important that marginalised women now have a place on our board."

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