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Greening our Communities

Published: Thursday, May 20, 2010

You are invited to a free conference Greening our Communities - Thurs 27 May 1.30 - 5pm at Cultivate @ The Greenhouse, 17 St Andrew Street, Dublin 2
to introduce the new Green Communites Network set up by the DoE, EPA and An Taisce. The conference will be exploring:

What do you think are the hallmarks of a Green Community?
If a community was awarded a green flag; what should they have achieved?

The aim is to bring together the key players involved in developing communties and green initiatives, to find out your opinions on what constitutes a green community.
This conference gives you the opportunity to get involved in the initial development of ideas, have your voice heard and ultimately bring greater support to your community initiatives.

RSVP to alice@cultivate.ie if you would like to attend.

Click here for all the details

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