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An interview with Haneen Zoubi, a Palestinian member of the Israeli Parliament, the Knesset

Published: Sunday, November 20, 2011

An interview with  Haneen Zoubi, a Palestinian member of the Israeli Parliament, the Knesset

This interview was supplied to the National Women's Council of Ireland by Noreen Byrne of Sadaka.

Haneen Zoabi: Who are you calling feminist? (IOA, Israeli Occupation Archive) 25 March 2011

It is possible to sum up Israel's relations with its Palestinian citizens in one sentence: We are not only a minority that is discriminated against, we are a minority at risk. Over the past two years, the Knesset has brought forth dozens of laws designed to strengthen the Jewish character of the country at the expense of its democratic character. I fight for my rights in my homeland. Perhaps this is news to many of you, but I did not choose to live in the State of Israel; Israel has chosen to live among my people and I.
IOA Editor: Although originally written for International Women's Day 2011, this commentary is directly related to the anti-Palestinian laws under consideration by the Israeli parliament, including the Nakba Law and the law enabling "admission committees" approval-requirement for would-be residents of towns of fewer than 400 families - both just passed by Israel's parliament.
The following is a selection of Israeli readers reactions to this article and its author, taken from The Jerusalem Post, which chose to allow them: "Anti-semitism" ... "you should be in jail already!" ... "Zoabi is a traitor, should be in jail!" ... "Get Out of My Country" "Disgusted that you are an MK." Clearly, a reflection of Israeli civility, open-mindedness and a deeply rooted belief in democracy.

Click here to read this fascinating interview in full.....