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Facebook rape page still up: mainstream press seem uninterested

Published: Sunday, November 27, 2011

Facebook rape page still up: mainstream press seem uninterested

The WVoN Facebook rape page campaign against this page - You know shes playing hard to get when your chasing her down an alleyway - is ongoing: despite an initial slowing down of comments, the misogynists are gathering again and the offensive - and usually badly spelt - comments are racheting up again.

This page is only one of many equally offensive pages which Facebook deems acceptable, reflecting its complete disregard for the seriousness of rape and how it affects not just the women and men who have suffered, but also their friends and families.

Sadly the mainstream press in the UK don't care either: despite letters to The Guardian, The Times, The Independent and the Telegraph, not a single paper published our concerns.

However, 2540 people have now signed the petition, so please keep passing on details of this campaign, so we can get more signatures.

Click here to learn more and to sign the petition demanding it's closure.....