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NWCI welcomed widening of access to free contraception

Published: Friday, April 13, 2018

The Government announced plans to provide free access to contraception for all. NWCI strongly supports these moves to ensure that contraception is affordable and accessible in Ireland. Currently, free access to contraception is limited to those with medical cards.

We highlighted how access to affordable contraception is a key element of NWCI’s Every Woman – Affordable, accessible healthcare options for women and girls in Ireland. The Every Woman model sets out what reproductive healthcare services women and girls need and is based on extensive consultations with NWCI’s members and women and men across Ireland.

Reports at the time indicated that the provision of contraception will be undertaken by Government in two phases, with access to barrier contraception such as condoms first, followed by free access to other contraception, such as the pill, which would require legislation. While NWCI welcomed this, we emphasised the need to provide all forms of contraception for free under this new scheme.

Dr Cliona Loughnane, NWCI’s Women’s Health Coordinator said,

"In developing the free contraception scheme it is vital that access is provided to all of the most effective forms of contraception. People must be able to choose the contraception method which suits them best. While many women may avail of barrier or hormonal pill contraception, others may require access to long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs), such as ‘the coil’. To support women and couples in Ireland, we must ensure the widest possible range of evidence-based and effective contraceptive methods are available and affordable to all. This means removing all unnecessary cost and information barriers."

Read our full statement here.

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