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Actions for a Fair State Pension

Published: Tuesday, February 20, 2018

On the 17th February NWCI, in collaboration with the Irish Country Womens Association, Pensioners for Equality, Active Retirement Ireland, Age Action and Forsa, held a press briefing to highlight the impact of the changes introduced to State Pension in 2012. NWCI spoke about how women have been disproportionately penalised by these changes.

On the 18th February, we took part in a protest outside Dáil Eireann to call on the Minister to reverse the 2012 changes. We welcomed the partial solution announced by the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection Regina Doherty T.D to introduce a new home caring credit. It is a welcome shift in acknowledging the care contribution women have made to society and to the economy. We will continue to push for the reversal of the 2012 changes and the recognition of ALL unpaid care work in assessing people’s social welfare and pension entitlements. Read our full reaction here.

The Department of Social Protection will be writing to individuals who were affected by the 2012 changes to offer them the opportunity to review their pension under the new Total Contributions Approach which include a home caring credit up to 20 years in the Autumn. This does not address women who had to leave their job due to marriage bar and there remains a lack of clarity about who will benefit and how the TCA will work.

We are still receiving emails, letters and phone calls from many of you who feel let down by successive governments’ failure to ensure a fair State pension for all. The best way to achieve this, in our view, is ultimately by introducing a Universal State Pension, not based on PRSI contributions but based on the principle that all women and men in Ireland should be supported with an adequate income in their older years by the State to live in dignity and economic independence. 

Read our Pensions Campaign poster here.

Read our Guide to Lobbying for Pension Equality here.

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