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Apology does not address sexist and misogynistic language

Published: Sunday, August 06, 2017

The National Women’s Council of Ireland (NWCI) today said the apology in the Sunday Times, in response to Kevin Myers article “Sorry ladies, equal pay has to be earned”' is completely unacceptable.

Orla O’Connor, Director of NWCI said,
“The article clearly displayed discriminatory views on both gender and religious grounds, yet the apology today made no reference to the misogynistic and sexist views expressed in the article.”

“The apology presented the Sunday Times with the opportunity to redress the views expressed, and the offence caused to women. This opportunity was clearly not taken. By its omission, in our view the apology gives licence to further similar sexist views to be expressed in its newspaper in the future”

Orla O’Connor concluded,

“It is ironic that the genesis of this article came from a series of articles on the persistent inequalities that women experience with regard to economic equality and leadership. NWCI will now submit a formal complaint to the Sunday Times’ editor, and to the Press Ombudsman.”

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