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Achievements for women’s equality in 2016

Published: Friday, December 16, 2016

2016 has been a challenging year for many people active in the area of social justice and women’s equality. But in the middle of many difficult news, there have also been some really positive developments.

Here are just some examples of achievements for women's equality in 2016.

  • Paternity leave: Fathers now have the right to two weeks leave after the birth of their child.
  • More female TDs than ever before: The number of female TDs has increased to 22%
  • Breakthrough for childcare in Budget 2017: The Government has finally acknowledged its responsibility to tackle the enormous affordability crisis in childcare. The childcare package is the first step to developing a publicly subsidised universal childcare model here in Ireland.
  • Further recognition of the cruel and inhumane nature of our abortion regime: In a ground breaking ruling the UN Human Rights Committee has found that the prohibition and criminalisation of abortion in Ireland in itself results in human rights violations.
  • Gender Proofing the Budget: The Government has committed to developing a process of budget and policy proofing as a means of advancing equality, including gender equality, reducing poverty and strengthening economic and social rights.
  • More women centred maternity services: The new Maternity Strategy commits to developing more women centred services due to consultations with and input from NWCI and our members. 
  • Review of domestic homicide cases: Following a request from NWCI and Women's AId, the Department of Justice has tasked An Garda Siochana  to conduct a review of domestic related homicides, covering the period 2007 -2016, in order to increase our understanding of these horrific crimes.
  • A new National Women’s Strategy 2017 – 2020: The Government has committed to developing a new National Women’s Strategy which will highlight its priorities for women’s equality over the next four years.

And NWCI also had a few things to celebrate in 2016.

  • NWCI funding almost restored: Budget 2017 restored NWCI’s core funding to almost pre-crisis levels
  • Successful #FemGen campaign: 177 candidates signed up to our Breakthrough Manifesto on our website 
  • Facilitating discussions: Our many events, seminars and roundtables brought together over 300 people from our members and supporters. 
  • Engaging with young women: Over the course of the year we held successful workshops with young women (16-24) discussing their vision for a feminist future which culminated in our second brilliant major conference for young women, #FemFest
  • Successful EU project bid: NWCI secured funding for an ambitious, transnational EU project aimed at ending sexual harassment and violence in third level education, which will be officially launched in 2017.
  • Welcome to our new members: We approved 11 new group members and welcomed over 150 new individual members.
  • A constant voice for women: NWCI issued over 40 press statements on various issues affecting women in Ireland.
  • And many more…

We hope that you will support us in building on these achievements in 2017! 

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