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Vote YES for marriage equality on 22 May

Published: Wednesday, April 29, 2015

NWCI is supporting a YES vote in the Marriage Equality Referendum on 22 May, as mandated by our membership. And we hope you will join us, as individuals and as organisations, in promoting the YES vote.

The women’s movement has been to the forefront of championing equality in Ireland. It is equally important that we are at forefront of the Marriage Equality campaign.

In the polling booth, we will be asked how we wish to vote on the 34th amendment to Bunreacht na hÉireann [the Irish Constitution]. That amendment comprises a single additional line:

“Marriage may be contracted in accordance with law by two persons without distinction as to their sex.”

We must all stand up – as someone in a same-sex relationship or as family, co-workers, neighbours and friend – to secure constitutional protection for all marriages.

Though we are optimistic about Ireland voting yes, there is a real chance – as with any referendum – that people just won’t turn out on the day. We can’t be complacent. We can show leadership in this referendum through encouraging and mobilising our families, our co-workers and our friends to vote YES on 22 May.

It will be a moment of which we can be proud.

• Make sure that you are registered to vote and, if not, register before the cut-off date of 5 May
• Come to our “Women4Yes” press conference from 10:30-11:30am on Tuesday, 5 May in the Royal College of Physicians, 19 South Frederick St., Dublin
• Get involved in one of the 30 local groups set up around Ireland
• Come out and meet the Yes Equality bus tour in your locality
• Donate to the Yes Equality campaign.

And, most importantly, place an X in the box marked TÁ/YES in the polling booth on 22 May!

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