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Spring Statement is disappointing for Women -Gender perspective needed in National Economic Dialogue

Published: Wednesday, April 29, 2015

In response to the Government’s Spring Statement today, the National Women’s Council of Ireland expresses disappointment at the lack of high level commitment to public investment in areas such as childcare and to employment policies that will ensure quality, secure jobs for workers.

Investment into childcare

Orla O’Connor, Director of NWCI,

“It is very disappointing that the Statement is extremely vague when it comes to investment in accessible affordable and quality childcare and fails to name this area as a key aspect of demographic planning, particularly as Ireland is an international outlier in terms of investment in this area – committing just 0.2 % of GDP in Ireland to an average of 0.7% of GDP across the OECD. Childcare is not only crucial in supporting women into employment but also a crucial investment in the future of our children. ”
“Overall, while the statement mentions cuts to public services it does not adequately acknowledge the devastating impact those cuts have had and the urgent repair work needed in many areas.” 

Secure, sustainable quality jobs

Alice-Mary Higgins, Policy and Campaigns Officer, NWCI said,
“While the Government make passing reference to ‘secure and sustainable jobs’ and incomes, the focus of today’s Statement is almost entirely on employment numbers with no reference to the quality of those jobs.  60% of low paid workers are women and they are particularly vulnerable to precarious contracts. Recent years have seen significant erosion in pay and hours across many sectors, including the hospitality industry, presented as an employment success story in today’s statement. A recovery which leaves many workers below the poverty line will be no recovery at all.”
“Precarious employment also has devastating impact on access to household credit and ability to plan for retirement – two key concerns highlighted by the Government today.” 

New Budgeting Process

Alice-Mary Higgins concluded,
“NWCI note with interest this small step towards a more considered Budget Process and call on the Government to ensure that the voices of women’s organisations and civil society groups are a key feature of the proposed new National Economic Dialogue. International best practice also suggests that the gender and equality proofing of all budget proposals is crucial in order to ensure a fair and equal budget.”

For more information, please contact Silke Paasche, Head of Communications, Tel. 085 858 9104.

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