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Fundit! Counter Culture

Published: Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Those of you who came to the opening of NWCI's new home, or who attended our seminar on representations of women's work last July will be familar with Katie O'Kelly's solo show COUNTER CULTURE.

COUNTER CULTURE has been invited to the Just Festival in St. John's Church, a great central venue in the Edinburgh Fringe this August. We have launched a Fundit campaign to cover basic costs of the run, such as travel, accommodation and essential Edinburgh marketing.

Counter Culture was launched by the Fishamble Show-in-a-Bag scheme for the Dublin Fringe in 2013, and has toured widely to high acclaim in Ireland since then. It's a funny and punchy social realist fairytale set in a Dublin department store on the busiest day of the year - a snowy 8th December - the day management decide to introduce zero hours contracts.

The recent strike in Dunnes Stores is a reaction to the rise of zero-hours and low-hours contracts in Ireland, following the upsurge in the UK. We hope that Counter Culture can play a part in raising awareness and encouraging resistance to this unwelcome development.

Katie believes Counter Culture can make a real impact this year in the biggest international theatre marketplace in the world, and focus attention on the issue of decent working conditions.

It's down to the last few days now, and a push is needed to reach the target of €4000 or all is lost... Pledges start at €10, please make a pledge today!! The link to the FundIt page is here.

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