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Tackling the childcare crisis requires more than extended parental leave

Published: Tuesday, April 07, 2015

In response to media reports that the Government is considering proposals to introduce paternity leave and to lengthen parental leave to one year, NWCI today welcomed the proposals but highlighted that any new leave entitlement would need to be paid and be part of a wider approach to organise leave and tackle the childcare crisis in Ireland. 

Orla O’Connor, Director of NWCI said,
“As it stands, Ireland is the only EU member state that provides no period of well-paid leave, so it is positive that the Government is looking at measures to ensure that Ireland catches up with other EU member states. It is however crucial, that when parental leave is introduced that it is paid, and that paid paternity leave is introduced as a separate entitlement, ensuring that maternity leave remains intact.”

Orla O’Connor continued,
“It is equally important that the parental leave is introduced alongside accessible affordable, quality childcare.  Childcare costs in Ireland as a percentage of wages are the highest in the EU, over 50% of average wages, while the EU average is 23.8%. We need to see the incremental introduction of publicly subsidised childcare, starting with the introduction of a second free year pre-school year.”

Orla O’Connor concluded,
“More clarity is also needed on how the proposals fit into the proposed Family Leave Bill. This is the opportunity to show political leadership by introducing legislation which will enable families in Ireland to finally make choices with regard to balancing work and family life in way that suits their needs and that redistributes care responsibilities between women and men.”

For more information, please contact Silke Paasche, Head of Communications, NWCI, Tel. 085 858 9104.

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