Legislate for X Campaign
Published: Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The National Women's Council of Ireland participated this month in the Public Hearings on the Implementation of the Government Decision following the publication of the Expert Group Report into Matters Relating to A, B, C vs Ireland.
At the hearing, Orla O'Connor, Director of the NWCI highlighted,
'The NWCI as mandated by our membership urges the government to implement legislative measures that decriminalize abortion, that cover the situation of life threatening pregnancies including the risk of suicide and that place women's reproductive autonomy at the heart of all procedures and services.'
She continued,
'The legislation and subsequent regulations must cover the threat of suicide as a real and substantial risk to the life of the mother. There are cases where the risk of suicide would constitute a ground for abortion and women must be viewed and trusted as individuals having agency and capable of making considered decisions about their own reproductive health. It is both insulting to women and to people with mental health difficulties for groups to claim that women will be likely to fabricate suicidal tendencies in an effort to seek access to abortion in Ireland.'
She concluded,
'Legislation for X will not provide an answer for the women who have abortions as a result of fatal foetal abnormalities and as a result of rape. And it will provide no support to the many women who are travelling every day to the UK and beyond for abortions. Women must be able to make personal decisions about their own bodies and health care free from coercion, discrimination and the threat of incarceration. Legislation to give effect to the X case is the urgent and outstanding issue and the NWCI encourages the government to introduce this legislation early in 2013.'
See full version of the speaking note