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National Women’s Council Appoints New Director

Published: Thursday, September 27, 2012

National Women’s Council Appoints New Director

The National Women's Council of Ireland has appointed Orla O'Connor, former Head of Policy, as the new Director. She will be taking over her new role at the NWCI with immediate effect.

In accepting the post Ms O'Connor stated:

"I look forward to leading the campaign for women's equality. Women in Ireland have a right to a strong national advocacy organisation that voices their concerns. The current economic crisis is affecting women deeply and there are many challenges ahead of us. The NWCI, with the power of its more than 160 members, will work to ensure that women's rights and women's equality are at the core of the political agenda."

Ms Siobhan O' Donoghue, Chairperson of the NWCI said:

"We are delighted that Orla has agreed to lead the Council into the future. We will need her energy and drive to fulfil our vision of an Ireland where all women and men have equal power to shape society and their own lives".

A native of Dublin, Ms O'Connor holds a Masters degree in European Social Policy from NUIM and a degree in Social Science from UCD. She has worked in senior management in non-governmental organisations in Ireland for over 15 years. She has led campaigns on a wide range of issues, including social welfare reform, pension reform and for the introduction of quality and affordable childcare. She represented the National Women's Council on the National, Economic and Social Council. Ms O'Connor has a strong track record in working for equality between men and women ensuring that women's voices are heard in the decisions that affect their lives.

For more information, please contact:
Silke Paasche, Communications Officer, NWCI
085 858 9104

Note to editors
The National Women's Council of Ireland (NWCI) is the representative organisation for women and women's groups in Ireland. Our mission is to achieve women's equality and empower women to work together to remove inequalities. www.nwci.ie

A photograph of Orla O'Connor is available on request from Silke Paasche.