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New part time career programmes for lone parents with free childcare

Published: Tuesday, September 25, 2012

One Family is running two new Programmes to support people parenting alone.

The New Futures Programme offers career planning with support. It is a 20 week part-time course accredited at FETAC level 4/5.

Join the New Futures programme and:

  • Discover what jobs or courses suit you
  • Become more confident
  • Get the support and friendship from parents in the same situation as you
  • Learn how to balance work and family life

As part of the programme the following supports will be available: Childcare, One to one support, information, counselling and parentiing support.

The Options Programme is a 22 week part-time course. Childcare for pre-school children is available.

The Options programme will provide:

  • Practical skills for progression into employment, self employment and/or college
  • Career tasters in a range of subjects: IT, Business and Social Care
  • Experience of the Further Education environment
  • FETAC Level 4 Certification in IT and enterprise skills
  • FETAC Level 5 Certification in introduction to nursing

For more information on the Programme please contact:

Helen or Debbie on 01 6629212 or
email: hconway@onefamily.ie or dbrady@onefamily.ie