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New video developed by the Irish Family Planning Association about abortion

Published: Wednesday, February 29, 2012

New video developed by the Irish Family Planning Association about abortion

Myths and facts presented out of context are all too common in the debate about abortion in Ireland. Misinformation extends to even the most basic questions: Who are the women who obtain abortions? Why do they decide to end a pregnancy? Is abortion available in Ireland? Abortion in Ireland http://www.ifpa.ie/Hot-Topics/Abortion/YouTube-Video is a new video developed by the Irish Family Planning Association to facilitate dialogue on abortion and to dispel myths that stigmatise women who seek abortion services.

The IFPA produced this resource because we want to change the way people talk and think about abortion in Ireland -- we think discussions on abortion should be informed by facts. We believe that for too long abortion has been left in the shadows and the women who have had abortions have been stigmatised. Inspired by the Guttmacher Institute's Abortion in the US video, this animation sets the record straight about abortion in Ireland, and is intended as a contribution to changing opinions, informing discussions and breaking the stigma.

Link to our new YouTube clip. Please help us get the message out there by sharing on your social media networks and your websites.