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NWCI Christmas Wishlist on social media

Published: Monday, December 09, 2013

Are you sick of being told how to drop a dress size in time for Christmas, do you struggle with childcare over Christmas, or are you concerned about the rise in domestic violence that the Christmas period brings?

Is your wish for a more equal society, one in which women aren't objectififed daily, where care work is shared and where gender based violence is no longer a reality?

Each day on Twitter and Facebook, we will we will be posting a Christmas wish and asking for our members and friends to share what their Christmas wish is!

Make sure you like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @NWCI to share your Christmas wishes with us!

Did you know you can join us and help see these wishes become a reality. Find out more on our website

Membership Wish:
Our Christmas wish is to see more women and men becoming actively involved in making the changes by joining NWCI! For just €5 per month you can join us, and help us to work towards making the changes that are needed. We need YOU so please check it out on our website