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The money has gone, so make love our alternative currency

Published: Thursday, February 16, 2012

The money has gone, so make love our alternative currency

Occupy Valentine's Day. This is the day to recognise love in every shape and size and disguise. Known love, new love, love's ghosts, love's hopes. Loss is here too, and the spaces in between love.

Reclaiming love is the best thing we can do. Love has been squatted for too long by those false cupids with their "for sale" signs. It's not a coincidence that Venus is the goddess of love and money. Or that her fat friend with the arrows lends his name to desire of both kinds. Cupidity is the all-consuming longing for riches. Love and money are both an exchange.

In 1967 100,000 or so idealists decided to occupy love - in Haight-Ashbury, San Francisco. They stood for communality, sharing, an end to excessive greed, and for peace. This was the Make Love not War generation.

Click here to read the full article by Jeanette Winterson in the Guardian...

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