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Three out of four GPs favour ‘limited abortion’

Published: Monday, April 23, 2012

Three out of four GPs favour ‘limited abortion’

Three out of four GPs are in favour of "limited abortion" becoming legal in Ireland, while medical opinion on whether travelling abroad for the procedure risks a woman's health is now split 40:60.

The findings are contained in a survey on the medical profession's view of the complex issue, published as the possibility of abortion being made legal in Ireland in very restricted circumstances was debated in the Dáil.

According to the study of 500 GPs and 244 GP registrars throughout Ireland, reported by the Medical Independent, 75% of doctors believe abortion should take place in limited circumstances.

These include major foetal abnormalities, serious maternal illness where the mother's life is in danger, and rape.

The study found 11% of the doctors involved knew of a patient who had taken an illegal medical abortifacient to induce an abortion, the majority of which were either sourced online or purchased illegally in this country.

Click here to read the full article from the Irish Examiner......