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Violence against women highlighted

Published: Sunday, November 27, 2011

Violence against women highlighted

Support for women and children raped and tortured during conflict will be the focus of a new foreign policy initiative, Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore said today.

The Government's new national action plan on women, peace and security aims to increase the number of female peacekeepers and will champion the cause of those who faced gender-based violence in war zones and developing countries.

It will also promote awareness among support agencies for migrants and victims of trafficking in Ireland.

"For too long, the rights of women and girls affected by conflict have been ignored by the international community," said Mr Gilmore, who could not rule out a cut in the overseas aid budget on December 6th.

"I commit Ireland to championing the cause of these women and I will ensure that their voices are heard," Mr Gilmore said at the launch of the plan in Dublin today.

The plan sets out how Ireland will promote the objectives of United National's Security Council Resolution 1325, which calls for a greater participation of women in peace processes, the protection of women and girls in armed conflict and recognition of the link between conflict and gender-based violence.

Click here to read the full Irish Times article and NWCI CEO Susan McKay's comments......