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Voices of Civil Society need to be heard

Published: Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Dear Ceann Comhairle,

Reports have reached our organisations that the Dáil Committee on Procedure and Privileges, which you chair, has considered proposals that could restrict access by civil society groups to the Oireachtas audiovisual (AV) room. We would welcome your comments on these reports.

Over the years, a great many civil society, community and voluntary groups, including our organisations, have made good use of the AV room to brief TDs and Senators on matters of mutual interest. Moreover, the physical location of the room within the precincts of Leinster House permits your parliamentary colleagues to attend civil society briefings without neglecting their voting obligations. The protection of civil society space is an internationally-recognised need. Indeed, only ten days ago, Ireland’s Ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva championed a new UN Human Rights Council Resolution on this subject that recognises "the crucial importance of the active involvement of civil society, at all levels, in processes of governance and in promoting good governance." 

The on-site briefing facility of the AV room at Leinster House is, both literally and figuratively, a civil society space that should be preserved and protected.
We hope that you can reassure us that, notwithstanding any discussions that may have taken place at the Dáil Committee on Procedure and Privileges, you will not stand over any attempt to constrict the legitimate access of civil society groups to this important facility.


National Women's Council of Ireland


Irish Council for Civil Liberties

Children's Rights Alliance


Gay and Lesbian Equality Network

Equality and Rights Alliance

Amnesty International