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Women bloggers call for a stop to ‘hateful’ trolling by misogynist men

Published: Sunday, November 06, 2011

Women bloggers call for a stop to ‘hateful’ trolling by misogynist men

Crude insults, aggressive threats and unstinting ridicule: it's business as usual in the world of website news commentary - at least for the women who regularly contribute to the national debate.

The frequency of the violent online invective - or "trolling" - levelled at female commentators and columnists is now causing some of the best known names in journalism to hesitate before publishing their opinions. As a result, women writers across the political spectrum are joining to call for a stop to the largely anonymous name-calling.

The columnist Laurie Penny, who writes for the Guardian, New Statesman and Independent, has decided to reveal the amount of abuse she receives in an effort to persuade online discussion forums to police threatening comments more effectively.

"I believe the time for silence is over," Penny wrote on Friday, detailing a series of anonymous attacks on her appearance, her past and her family. The writer sees this new epidemic of misogynist abuse as tapping an old vein in British public life. Irrelevant personal attacks on women writers and thinkers go back at least to the late 18th century, she says. "The implication that a woman must be sexually appealing to be taken seriously as a thinker did not start with the internet: it's a charge that has been used to shame and dismiss women's ideas since long before Mary Wollstonecraft was called "a hyena in petticoats". The net, however, makes it easier for boys in lonely bedrooms to become bullies."

Click here to read the full Guardian article......