NWCI launches new Women for Change Project
Published: Tuesday, July 03, 2018

In May 2018, NWCI together with nine organisations were successful in receiving funding under Training Links. We plan to bring a diversity of women together who are currently involved or are interested in getting more involved in representation and participation in decision making in their local communities. The women will come together to access training, support each other in calling for women's equality and bring about change.
We have formed a network to organise and deliver this project. The nine partner organisations are Community Work Ireland, National Collective of Community Based Womens Network, Duhallow Womens Forum and IRD Duhallow, National Traveller Womens Forum, Longford Womens Link, Women4Women & Southside Partnership, Cultur Migrant Project, West Clare Family Resource Centre and Carlow County Development Partnership.
We will be putting together workshops and sessions in the Autumn.This project is funded by the Wheel and the Department of Education and Skills.
If you are interested in finding out more or getting involved, please contact Catherine on 01 6790100 or email catherinel@nwci.ie