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Launch: Monitoring Report on the Third National Strategy

Friday, December 08, 2023

Launch: Monitoring Report on the Third National Strategy

The National Observatory on Violence Against Women and Girls will be launching its Monitoring report of the Third National Strategy on Domestic, Sexual and Gender Based Violence, with this important project supported by Community Foundation Ireland.

Within the 16 Days of Action, this event will be an opportunity for individuals, organisations and government officials to discuss the progress made throughout this first year since the launch of the Strategy, as well as to discuss the key priorities for the future, in relation to prevention of DSGBV, protection of survivors, prosecution of perpetrators and policy.

The report will be launched by Helen McEntee, Minister for Justice (via Video)

Speakers at this event include:

• Orla O’Connor, Chair of the Observatory on Violence Against Women and Girls

• Denise Charlton, Chief Executive of Community Foundation Ireland

• Francesca Montagna, Grevio Committee

• Salome Mbugua, CEO, Akidwa

• National Women’s Council

• Doncha O'Sullivan, Deputy Secretary General, Department of Justice

• Barbara Condon, CEO, Ruhama

• Mary-Louise Lynch, founder of Survivors Informing Services and Institutions (SISI)

• Helen McGrath, Central Statistics Office Statistician

The event will take place at the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission. The venue is fully accessible venue and ISL interpreting will be provided.

Regsiter to attend here

Starts: 8 December 2023 10:00
Ends: 8 December 2023 13:00