Women for Change Learning and Knowledge Exchange Event
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Over 150 women from Clare, Dublin, Mayo, Meath, Cork, Limerick, Roscommon and Carlow took part in our Women for Change project over the course of the last year. The aim of the project was to support women who are currently involved or are interested in getting more involved in representation and participation in their local communities to access training, for peer support and advocate for women’s equality and social change. Women for Change was funded by the Training Links fund through the Department of Education and Skills.
The Women for Change project is coming to a close and we are holding an event to celebrate the participation of all the women in the project.
Louise Lovett(Board member)with the National Womens Council of Ireland will speak at the event.
Near FM will be broadcasting their 'Northside Today' programme live from 11am – 1pm.
There will also be an opportunity to tell us what you thought about the project and what would you like to see happen next.
Light refreshments will be provided.
You can view the programme here
Please contact us if you need any support to get to the venue or other supports.
Please advise Susan McCormack susanmcc@nwci.ie if you have any special requirements, e.g. ISL interpretation, accessibility, dietary by 29th August. This will help us in our preparations for the event.
Please register on eventbrite
For more information please contact Catherine on 01 6790100 or email catherinel@nwci.ie
Pictures and/or video tapes of the meetings/events/workshops can be taken during the meetings for promotion/visibility/communications purposes, which be used on the NWCI website, social media and other communications tools. If you are not comfortable with this and wish to opt-out, please inform a NWCI staff member during the registration prior to the meeting.
Starts: 12 September 2019 11:00
Ends: 12 September 2019 15:00
Location: Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission
17-22 Green Street
Dublin 7