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Published: Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Most of our trips in Ireland are taken by car, but 68% of all trips are for distances of less than 10km. (National Household Travel Survey (2023) Providing active and public transport is key to tackling the climate emergency but to achieve...
Published: Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Job Title - Community Health Worker (Community Employment Scheme)Cairde's Health Information and Advocacy Centre aims to provide relevant, accurate and culturally appropriate health information, support and advocacy to minority ethnic community members and groups to enable them to access...
This is an invitation to celebrate Family Day, Sunday 15 May 2011Celebrate Families, Celebrate Your Family!And be in with the chance to win €1000*.One Family and EBS are asking everyone to Celebrate Families on Family Day, Sunday 15 May 2011.Join us...
PLEASE SUPPORT the Turn Off the Red Light campaign by urging your TDs to attend the 4th of May briefing in Buswells at time convenient any convenient for them.Click here for a list of TDs name and numbers. Sample...
Building on Integration Practice seminars for Community Workers engaging with migrant workers and their familiesAre you currently employed or active in community, voluntary, local development and ethnic led organisations committed to migrant rights?The MRCI and CWC are pleased to...
Domestic Workers Action Week 201126 April - 1 May The Domestic Workers Action Group celebrates May Day 2011 with a week of activities to call for improved conditions and protections for workers employed in private homes.Thursday 28 April:DWAG performance: 'Acting Out for...
On 1 March DWAG (Domestic Workers Action Group) launched a campaign calling on the Irish Government to commit to supporting an ILO Convention on Decent Work for Domestic Workers.Last year the Governing Body of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) decided...
Launch of ICI's policy paper "Living in Limbo; Migrants' Experiences of Applying for Naturalisation in Ireland"Date: Tuesday 10th May 2011Venue: Royal Irish Academy, Dawson Street, Dublin 2Time: 11.00am - 1.00pmPlease RSVP Saorlaith at or call (01) 6740202 by ...
Background:In April 2010 a major seminar on women's philanthropy took place in Dublin. At this, The Women's Fund for Ireland was launched by The Community Foundation for Ireland. When women and girls prosper, entire communities succeed. The Women's Fund for...
LINC are proud to be hosting an Ann Summer's Party.Time: 8pm 12th May 2011RSVP via facebook or call on 0214808600 or mail on info@linc.ieWomen Only
Computer literacy FETAC Level 3 Training is FETAC Accredited Level 3(BF0133)Training will take place over 10 nights on Tuesday eveningsStarting on Tuesday 26th AprilTraining is free to participants (limited places) Places are open for both employed and unemployed people.Click here...
Now Recruiting for Marks and Starts 'I finally have some clarity about my possible future and know if I stay motivated I can achieve my goals'Marks & Start is a combination of pre-employment training linked to a 2-week work probation...
On June 4th the first meeting of The Countess Markievicz School will take place in the Teacher's Club, Parnell Square.The theme of the meeting is "Women in Politics".
Published: Tuesday, April 19, 2011
International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention on Decent Work for Domestic Workers 2011On 1 March DWAG (Domestic Workers Action Group) launched a campaign calling on the Irish Government to commit to supporting an ILO Convention on Decent Work for Domestic Workers. Last...
CABINET HAS discussed the ossibility of amending Ireland's abortion laws, according to inister of State for Disability, Equality and Mental Health, Kathleen Lynch.Ms Lynch yesterday launched a new report which called for the immediate enactment of legislation "to clarify...
Recently appointed Gender Equality Minister Kathleen Lynch launched an exciting initiative in Longford this evening which will provide gender specific mentoring for 15 budding entrepreneurs from Counties Longford and Westmeath.Click here to read the article in full.
Published: Monday, April 18, 2011
The Tain - Is enough as good as a feast?This year is dedicated to exploring the contemporary relevance of the wisdom of the ancient myths.This Year's Summer School Takes Place: 6 July - 10 July 2011Guest Poet: Mary O'MalleyClick here...
Published: Thursday, April 14, 2011
The Millennium Development Goals page has been updated and includes a new report entitled "The cost of Gender Equality vs. Losses in Monetary Terms and Human Fulfillment of Women and Girls with Gender Inequality." The UN WOMEN AND GEAR CAMPAIGN...
The Irish Council of Civil Liberties and the Irish Penal Reform Trust have produced a Submission to the Committee to the First Periodic Review of Ireland under the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment...
The NWCI AGM will take place in Dublin on the 23rd June. Keynote speaker at the event will be Kathleen Lynch, TD, Minister of State, Department of Health and Department of Justice, Equality & Defence with responsibility for Disability, Equality ...
CEO of the NWCI, Susan McKay, will be analyzing a shocking novel based on the atrocities that occured in the closing days of the second World War on The History Show with Myles Dungan on RTE Radio 1 this Sunday at 6.0...
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