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Published: Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Most of our trips in Ireland are taken by car, but 68% of all trips are for distances of less than 10km. (National Household Travel Survey (2023) Providing active and public transport is key to tackling the climate emergency but to achieve...
Published: Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Justice for Magdalenes is calling on the next Irish government to do the following:Issue an official apology from the Irish State and the Catholic ChurchEstablish a distinct redress scheme for Magdalene survivorsImmediately adopt the IHRC recommendation to establish a...
Opinion piece from Breda O'Brien in The Irish Times, Saturday 12th February"Political parties have a big influence on how many women's names appear on ballot papers.'FIANNA FÁIL? I would rather stick pins in my eyes. You are...
Claiming our Future has launched a petition to put more women into the Dáil.The National Women's Council welcomes this initiative by Claiming our Future, in which we are involved, and we urge all of our members and supporters...
Published: Monday, February 14, 2011
The NWCI and Longford Women's Link are hosting a Members Meeting on 17th February, 2011 on the topic of "Women and Politics" in the Family Centre, Longford. It promises to be an exciting meeting with a presentation from the Longford Women's...
Published: Sunday, February 13, 2011
1. The Bill fails to reflect modern midwifery legislation in countries such as Canada and New Zealand.2. If Section 24 is passed as drafted, then midwifery will be the only health care profession in Ireland without the ability to govern itself.3. Midwives...
The Association for Improvements in Maternity Services Ireland, AIMS Ireland, welcomes the upcoming 2011 General Election and would like to offer you an exciting and rare election opportunity.AIMS Ireland is a non-profit, voluntary organisation with charity status. AIMS Ireland offers...
Colleagues We went live with the petition for more women in politics over the weekend - now we need to get the message out as widely as possible to build up the numbers Attached is a press statement we put...
Published: Wednesday, February 09, 2011
As from March 1st 2011 AkiDwA Office will take up a new office space at : UNIT 2 Killarney Court Buckingham Street Dublin 1. Here are directions from Abbey Street if walking to our new location: * Head east on Lower Abbey Street towards Marlborough...
Attached, the current Training Brochure from DRCC.If you have already completed any of the courses or if they are not relevant to you please feel free to circulate the details to those that you think may have an interest....
My name is David Regan and I work on the publicity team for the 2011 Censusin the Central Statistics Office, Swords, Co Dublin.As you may be aware, a Census of Population will take place in Ireland onApril 10th next and...
Please join Margaret Martin, Director of Women's Aidto launch 2in2u.A national radio and online campaignaddressing dating violence and abuse against young women onMonday, February 14th 11am sharpRefreshments from 10.45atThe Westin HotelWestmoreland StreetDublin 2Please RSVP to comms@womensaid.ieby...
Click here to see the letter.
OPEN has been fortunate to be allocated funding under the Equality for Women Measure to provide the "Shaping YOUR Future" (SYF) programme for lone mothers. This is an Exploring Options programme we have developed and lone parents have been extremely...
www.emn.ieThe EMN Ireland website contains the latest information on migration and asylum in Ireland and the European Union:- View recent Irish and EU developments such as policy and legislative updates, relevant research and events- Get the latest...
Published: Wednesday, February 02, 2011
AkiDwA's new employment initiative DOOR TO WORK - Work experience programme.Call for participants and community organizations in the greater Dublin area.AkiDwA, network of migrant women living in Ireland, is introducing a work experience programme Door to Work.Migrant...
Event Notice Public Lecture by Professor John H. Mollenkopf, Distinguished Professor of Political Science and Sociology, Graduate Center at the City University of New York and director of the Center for Urban Research Theme: Inclusion of Second Generation Migrants and...
Please see attached Job Specification and advert for Programme Director position available within LGBT Diversity.Programme Director Job Description and Person SpecificationThe programme has the following three objectives1. In terms of Capacity Building, the programme provides existing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual...
Please find an invitation attached for the Cork County See Change public meeting which will be held in the Gilbert Centre, Malow at 7.30pm on Monday 7th February, 2011.
As part of the NWCI young women's discussion group we have decided to include a survey for those who are unable to attend during the day. This is for those who indicated an interest in the event but are unable...
Information on Domestic Violence. Click here for booking form.Domestic Violence Advocacy Service (Sligo, Leitrim & West Cavan)
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