European Commission President Barroso: Establish now a European Year to End Violence against Women a
Published: Thursday, November 22, 2012
The European Women's Lobby, of which the NWCI is a member organisation, is currently running a campaign calling on European Commission President Barroso to establish a European Year to End Violence against Women and Girls.
To date, the EU has no binding legislation regarding violence against women. This is critical, as violence against women is a human rights issue and affects approximately 45% of all women across Europe. An estimated one-fifth of women in the EU suffer from violence within the home and more than one in ten women is a victim of sexual violence involving the use of force. Seven women die every day from domestic violence in the EU.
The EU must therefore raise awareness on the issue and affirm its political commitment to end violence against women. By establishing a European Year to end violence against women and girls, the EU would play a leading role in raising awareness on violence against women, and at the same time propose concrete measures to act against the perpetuation of violence against women.