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The STAR Awards 2013 - Showcasing Teamwork and Awarding Recognition

Published: Thursday, October 11, 2012

The STAR Awards are an awards initiative coordinated by AONTAS as part of the annual Adult Learners' Festival. The awards acknowledge the fantastic work undertaken by adult learning projects throughout Ireland and celebrate the positive contribution that these projects make to our society, our economy and our local communities. Five awards in total will be granted to adult learning projects based within the island of Ireland - four regional awards (Leinster, Munster, Connaught, Ulster) and one nationwide award.

Nominations are welcome from projects themselves, from people directly involved in the project or from people who think the project is just a great initiative and deserves to be nominated. In the last case it is important to inform the project that you are nominating them. Nominated projects can involve initiatives, resources or group work. Projects may come from adult learning organisations, community and voluntary groups, the private sector, government agencies, statutory bodies and non-government organisations.

The deadline for nominating projects is Monday, 19 November 2012 at 5pm. Nominators are encouraged to nominate their projects as early as possible and it is easy to nominate online! Just click here. For a list of FAQs, a sample nomination form and more information on how to nominate visit www.adultlearnersfestival.com or get in touch with Kathryn, Festival Operations Officer at klaing@aontas.com. The Adult Learners' Festival 2013 is kindly supported by the Department of Education and Skills.

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