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Pavee Point Information Day on Traveller and Roma Community in Ireland

Published: Sunday, July 21, 2013

Pavee Point hosted an information day to highlight the issues and challenges facing the Traveller and Roma community in Ireland. During the training, three main areas were emphasized. The first was the hugely disproportionate cuts experienced by Travellers, which is outlined in the 'Travelling with Austerity' document. It states that the Irish State has disinvested in the Traveller Community by an overall 4.3 %. This includes a 50% drop in Fas special initiative for Travellers, and a 86.6% drop in Travellers education and reductions in many more areas. This is even more appalling considering some statuary agencies did not spend all their allocations, for instance FAS underspent by 40%.

The second concern was focused on the HSE and child protection issues that are arising for the Roma in Ireland. The report gives an in-depth overview to issues such as the lack of food which has led to Roma children scavenging in bins. It also draws attention to the fact that the Roma Community are a high risk group when it comes to health. They have a higher infant mortality rate and lower life expectancy. The lack of finances and access to medical cards leads to an overuse of A&E facilities. The Roma community are also subject to overcrowding, the living arrangements often include mother, sisters, brothers, grandparents and cousins living under the same roof which can lead to the spread of illness quickly.

What is even more alarming is the fact that the Irish Government is taking no action to improve the lives of the Traveller and Roma community. This is verified by the weakness in progress in implementing the National Traveller Roma Integrated Strategy. They have failed to enforce anti-discrimination legislation at a local level, failed to increase awareness among the Roma of their rights and failed to address the key areas: education, health, housing and employment, when allocating financial resources. The EU commission has noted the gaps in Ireland's Strategy and the need for it to contain goals, targets, indicators and a budget. They also call upon the Irish government to improve its consultation and political engagement of Roma and Travellers.

For more information on the issues outlined here visit Pavee Point's website  


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