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NWCI at the Constitutional Convention: Changing the electoral system

Published: Sunday, June 23, 2013

In  June the Convention on the Constitution met to finalise their discussions on the electoral system. 

NWCI was one of only two NGOs to submit to the Convention in its May meeting on electoral systems.  The June meeting adopted the recommendations made by NWCI, with an overwhelming vote to improve the PR-STV system by increasing the size of constituencies. 

Larger constituencies make it easier for women to get elected as women tend to be the 'second place' on party ballots because of the larger numbers of male incumbents.  The Convention also recommended a range of other reforms to the electoral system, including for a direct democracy provision and better political education in schools, both of which NWCI argued for based in our submission. 

NWCI has requested a meeting with the Taoiseach to discuss these, and previous recommendations, from the Convention.  We will now be seeking to place the issue of economic and social rights on the Convention's agenda for the 'Any Other Business' meetings in October and November. 

Anyone with an interest in this should contact Eóin eoinm@nwci.ie .

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