Nominate an adult/community education organisation for an AONTAS STAR Award
Published: Thursday, November 03, 2011

Do you know of an organisation in your area which delivers education for adults and which you think deserves some recognition? Then why not nominate them for an AONTAS STAR Award?
The awards initiative is open to any organisation involved in adult education - these include statutory education providers such as VECs, organisations involved in the delivery of non formal education such as community groups, trade unions, businesses, libraries and workplaces. The STAR Awards Initiative recognises the achievements of adult learners and to showcase the work of the organisations which support them.
This year there are five awards in total - four provincial awards (Munster, Leinster, Connaught and Ulster) and one nationwide award. The Judging Panel for the awards includes representatives from VECs, the NQAI (National Qualifications Authority of Ireland), Pobal, the Small Firms Association and ICTU, along with adult learners. Each of the winners will receive a specially designed Irish award at the ceremony which takes place at the Burlington Hotel in Dublin on February 20th.
A survey carried out by AONTAS earlier this year with previous award winners indicate a number of benefits to participating in the Awards. These include increased staff morale and a higher profile.
The deadline for nominations is Monday November 21st at 5pm. This year AONTAS has simplified the nomination process. More details are available at You will be asked some questions about the work of the organisation. Anyone can submit a nomination, but you must have the permission of the group that you nominate.
A short video about the awards is available at the following link:
For more information, including tips on completing the nomination form, visit
For more information contact Niamh Farren, Communications Officer on 01 406 8220/ 087 911 0569