Susan McKay, CEO of the NWCI, launches Open Door book
Published: Thursday, October 20, 2011

Community Respond to Violence against Women and Children through the power of print.
Speaking out on the issue of domestic and sexual abuse is challenging but a challenge that has been taken up by Kerry's own network on violence against women and children. Over the past year they have collected articles, stories and poems from both survivors of abuse and activists from the sector. All contributors gave their articles freely in the aim that this book will raise awareness of the services available to women and children in crisis in our County and in Ireland, as well as encouraging a positive community response for any woman or child who discloses that they have experienced intimate violence in their life, be it physical, emotional or sexual abuse.
Open Secret - breaking the silence on violence against women and children, is a contemporary look at the issues of domestic and sexual violence, its impact on families, communities and society. It is essential reading for everyone who cares about equality. This collection of writings will inspire an examination of our responses to women and children who live with the effect of abuse.