Inaugural Countess Markievicz School
Published: Thursday, June 30, 2011

On Saturday June 4th, 140 people attended the first Countess Markievicz School to listen to a variety of speeches, which ranged from the historical - on the Countess herself, thus setting the context of the school, to the role of women in the political and media spheres in Ireland today.
The keynote address was given by Ms. Arni Hole, Director General in the Royal Ministry of Children, Equality & Social Inclusion, Norway, who flew over for the event.
Arni gave a well received presentation on the Norwegian experience, commenting afterwards to Lucy our Chairperson, that Ireland is where Norway was 35 years ago!
Feedback was overwhelmingly positive and we thank those who gave their time freely to speak at the event and the audience who participated with enthusiasm and took the time to evaluate the event. We encourage you to watch the speeches in the video clips below, as feedback will set the agenda for the next Countess Markievicz School.