Updates to Banúlacht’s website
Published: Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Millennium Development Goals page has been updated and includes a new report entitled "The cost of Gender Equality vs. Losses in Monetary Terms and Human Fulfillment of Women and Girls with Gender Inequality."
The UN WOMEN AND GEAR CAMPAIGN page has been updated and expanded
The page includes a link to a new report: A Blueprint for UN Women: Oxfam and VSO UK Survey on UN Women - which documents the outcomes of a global civil society survey on women's needs, priorities and expectations in relation to UN Women at country level. The views of 100 civil society organizations, including grassroots and women's rights organizations, from 75 countries on the priorities for UNW and its approach to working at country level are now made available in a report.
Other new resources available at http://www.banulacht.ie/resources.htm include:
Against the Odds - Women Resisting Political Violence in Bolivia
A new video from One World Action - explains the impact of political violence on the lives of women councillors in Bolivia, and highlights the work of ACOBOL (the Asociation of Women Councillors of Bolivia) as it tries to raise awareness about political violence against women, and to end it!
Feminist Dialogue on Militarism and Military Intervention with Cynthia Enloe, Clark University; Yanar Mohammed, President of Organization of Women's Freedom in Iraq, and founder of Al Mousawat Radio (Equality) and newspaper in Baghdad (Iraq); Yifat Susskind - Policy & Communications Director at MADRE and formerly part of a joint Israeli-Palestinian human rights organization in Jerusalem; Ann Wright - Retired US Army Colonel, former US diplomat who reopened the US Embassy in Afghanistan in 2001 and who resigned in opposition to the Iraq war, and now peace activist; Esther Hyneman - Board Member of Women for Afghan Women and retired professor of Literature, Women's Studies & Gender Studies at Long Island University (Brooklyn Campus)
Start with a Girl: A New Agenda for Global Health
Report on the realities of girls' health and wellbeing in developing countries, the links between the health of girls and the prospects for their families, and on the specific actions that will improve health prospects for millions.
Girls Count
This report provides some of the first critical research specifically focused on adolescent girls in the developing world.
Listen to Women for a Change: 15 Years after the Beijing Conference on Women - 15 Years after the Peacetrain: Balances and Outlooks (NGO)
Ethical Concerns in Female Genital Cutting by Rebecca J. Cook, Chair of International Human Rights Law Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, Co-Director of the International Programme Reproductive & Sexual Health Law
Evolving Men: Initial Results from the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES)
This report summarizes findings from the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES), a comprehensive household questionnaire on men's attitudes and practices - along with women's opinions and reports of men's practices - on a wide variety of topics related to gender equality.
State of Food & Agriculture - Women in Agriculture Closing the Gender Gap for Development
Closing the gender gap in agricultural inputs alone could lift 100-150 million people out of hunger. Achieving gender equality and empowering women in agriculture is not only the right thing to do. It is also crucial for agricultural development and food security.