Mission Development Volunteering What Next?
Published: Thursday, September 09, 2010

This year, Viatores Christi is celebrating its 50th year of recruiting, training and placing people from all walks of life in long-term overseas volunteer roles. As we reach this important milestone, we feel that it would be very timely and beneficial at this landmark in our existence to be able to bring together those in the field of mission, development and volunteering to explore where we are all going in the future and how we can continue Ireland's long tradition of working to make the world a better, fairer place for everyone to live a more human life.
To this end, we are planning a jubilee conference on 29th and 30th October 2010 in Wynn's Hotel, Dublin. The Conference will be entitled
Mission. . . Development. . . Volunteering. . . What Next? Exploring Ways Forward. . . Together!
The conference will run from Friday afternoon to Saturday evening, and will feature workshops, keynote speakers and plenary sessions as well as a social evening on the Friday night.
The conference will feature speakers from Africa, Latin America and Ireland, including:
- Patty Abozaglo, Trocaire Programme Officer for Latin America,
- Dr. Seán Ruth, author of 'Leadership and Liberation: A Psychological Approach'
- Silas Siakor, director of the Sustainable Development Institute in Liberia
- Rev. Dr. Sahr Yambasu
- Sylvia Cachino and others
Talks and workshops on:
- listening to voices from the global South;
- ethics and best practice in development; leadership, liberation and the role of an ally;
- ...and many other topics relevant to all those working in mission and development.
- exhibits - social evening - group discussions - practical proposals
The aim of the conference is to contribute to the advancement of thinking in mission, aid and development -- our common area of interest and concern. We wish to explore and discuss the long tradition of Ireland's sons and daughters who brought their lives and skills to share with those in need in our world.
We would therefore be grateful if you could see fit to assist us in any way that you can by promoting the conference to your own members and attending the conference. We are also inviting all those who are involved in the field of mission, development work and volunteering to have a stand at the conference where you may publicise the work of your own organisation and how we can all work collaboratively in the future.
Conference Fees
The cost per delegate is €35 per person (concessions available)
Cost of stand + two delegates is €100.
This covers cost of stand at the conference plus conference fee for two people from your organisation.
(Limited spaces available)
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require any further information. Email Colette@viatoreschristi.com Tel. 01-8689986