Embedding Equality in Policy Making - Seminar
Published: Wednesday, April 03, 2013

The Equality Budgeting Campaign invites you to a seminar on equality and policy-making. The seminar will look at how equality fares in current approaches to policy-making in Ireland, and will establish what lessons can be learnt from other jurisdictions. Crucially, it will suggest practical and realisable alternatives that place equality at the heart of political decision-making in Ireland.
Confirmed speakers:
Nat O'Connor - TASC
Angela O'Hagan - Scottish Women's Budget Group
Emma Patterson - Equality Coalition Northern Ireland
Stephen Donnelly - Independent TD
Mary Lou McDonald - Sinn Fein
When: Saturday, 20 April, 11 am - 4:30 pm
Where: National Women's Council of Ireland, 4th floor, 2/3 Parnell Square East, Dublin 1
This is a free, but strictly RSVP event. To reserve a place, please email equalitybudgetingcampaign@gmail.com