United Nations member states call on government to introduce laws to bring more women into politics
Published: Sunday, October 09, 2011

Press Release
United Nations member states call on government to introduce laws to bring more women into politics.
The National Women's Council of Ireland today welcomed recommendations to introduce parity legislation to bring more women into politics made to Minister Alan shatter today. The recommendation was put forward at Ireland's examination under the United Nations Universal Periodic Review process (UPR) in Geneva. Speaking from Geneva, Rachel Doyle of the NWCI said that "the low level of women in politics in Ireland is unacceptable and calls to change the situation are welcome". "The ministers' statement that this issue will be an important focus of the constitution convention is positive, but strong and ambitious legislation is required" she added.
" We also welcome the recommendation of Austria ( the vice chair of the UN human rights council) that an independent review of the national womens strategy be undertaken" said Ms Doyle. " This is now necessary given stringent cuts in funding for the strategy and a significantly changed context for women in Ireland since it's publication", she said.
Further very positive recommendations to Ireland concern implementing the judgement on abortion of the European Court of Human Rights in the ABC case, making the language in article 41.2 of the Irish constitution gender neutral, strengthening laws on violence against women, introducing measures to address the gender pay gap and to bring more women into the labour market and promoting inclusion of migrant women.
" The Minister has been given a clear indication by his peers under the UPR process, of the steps required to advance womens equality in Ireland" said Ms Doyle. " We look forward to working with him in that process".
Contact Rachel Doyle, Head of Outreach and Support, 087 2998619 or Michelle Culbert, Information and Social Media Coordinator, 085 8589104