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News from NWCI’s AGM - Motions passed

Published: Tuesday, June 18, 2013

NWCI's 40th Anniversary AGM saw a number of important motions passed regarding young women's participation and role in decision making, women's visibility throughout history, family reunification and migrant women experiencing domestic violence, as well as motions relating to health and bodily autonomy.

The Irish Feminist Network proposed a motion which would see NWCI ensure that young women's participation in its activities and structures was promoted, a motion that was seconded by Pavee Point and passed unanimously. Other motions passed included one which asked that NWCI continue to support and work with the National Collective of Community Based Women's Networks to explore effective ways to ensure that the voices of disadvantaged women are represented in decision making, as well as a motion proposed by the Immigrant Council of Ireland that NWCI support calls for the clarification of the guidelines published on the INIS website regarding types of immigration status to be issued to victims.

One motion which provoked a particularly enthusiastic response was one proposed by the Headford Women's Group and seconded by the Global Women's Studies Centre around women's visibility in history. There was anger around the lack of inclusion of key women in the school curriculum, and widespread agreement that NWCI would lobby the Minister for Education to introduce changes to make history more gender balanced.

Other motions proposed around women and economic independence, raising awareness about racism and discrimination, taking action for the Turn Off the Red Light Campaign, lobbying the government to sign the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence and quotas for the appointment of women to state boards were also passed.

We thank all of our members for submitting motions and thus shaping the work of NWCI. 


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