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Justice for Bethany Home Survivors - Briefing

Published: Wednesday, April 03, 2013

The National Women's Council of Ireland and the Bethany Survivors Group are organising a briefing on the Campaign for Justice for Bethany Survivors.

Bethany Home (1921 - 1972) was a residential institution in Dublin for women of the Protestant community who were convicted of petty theft and prostitution as well as unmarried women who were pregnant, and their children. From 1934, Bethany House became subject to inspection from the Department of Local Government and Public Health. Surviving children report abuse and neglect and the high infant mortality rates in the home is well documented. Survivors are seeking redress and justice.

Orla O'Connor, National Women's Council of Ireland
Niall Meehan, Bethany Home Survivors Group
2 representatives of the Bethany Survivors Group
Maria Corbett, Children's Rights Alliance

When: 17 April, 2 - 4 pm
Where: National Women's Council of Ireland, 4th Floor, 2-3 Parnell Square East, Dublin 1

Please RSVP to reception@nwci.ie


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