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Co-Editor of Women’s Views on News, Jem McCarron’s guest blog

Published: Thursday, January 05, 2012

Co-Editor of Women’s Views on News, Jem McCarron’s guest blog

Half of us are Women

When I took on my role at feminist news site Women's Views on News (WVoN), I knew I was doing something positive towards a cause I had always supported. Little did I know how much it would deepen my conviction that feminism is an essential movement and that women around the world need to be more vigilant than ever. Just maintaining the ground we've gained since women started fighting for equal rights presents a challenge, let alone continuing to balance the scales.

A recent survey found that just a 5th of the world's news headlines feature women and women make up only 10% of all news stories. Given that women form around 50% of the world's population, there is clearly something amiss! With this in mind it's no wonder that sites like WVoN are growing in size and popularity. By providing not only a central point of stories about women, but also producing unique content about current events that are relevant to women around the globe, they are offering an invaluable service.

Click here to read the rest of Jem McCarron's guest blog for the NWCI website.....

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