Banúlacht’s website
Published: Wednesday, March 23, 2011

On March 1st last, Banúlacht launched the Mná Sasa manifesto: a grassroots feminist manifesto developed by Irish and Tanzanian participants in the Banúlacht - Kivulini ExChange programme. For more information about the Manifesto, and to download a copy, click here.
We welcome your comments!
We have also created some new pages on the website, featuring:
WIDE (Women in Development Europe)
UNSCR 1325 Women Peace and Security
There is another new page, Resources, which features video clips, recordings and print resources related to feminism, development and women's human rights.
One new resource that can be downloaded from the Notices section of the Home page is: THE WORLD'S WOMEN 2010: TRENDS AND STATISTICS. This report highlights the differences in the status of women and men in eight areas - population and families, health, education, work, power and decision-making, violence against women, environment and poverty. While progress towards gender equality has been made in some areas, the report shows that much more needs to be done to close the gender gap in critical areas such as power and decision-making and violence against women.