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Press Releases

Freedom from Pornography Campaign Launch: the time to say ‘no more’ is now!!

Published: Wednesday, February 23, 2005

The Freedom from Pornography Campaign was launched in Dublin this morning (Thursday 24 Feb 2005) to challenge the increased availability and proliferation of pornography in Ireland. The Campaign also aims to promote an understanding of the harm that pornography does to society...read more

The Irish social welfare system denies women their rights!

Published: Monday, February 07, 2005

A seminar today, organised by the National Women's Council of Ireland (NWCI), concluded that the social welfare system in Ireland is denying women their full economic independence and reinforces the notion of women as adult dependents and not as individuals...read more

Changes to Parental Leave Act do not go far enough

Published: Monday, January 31, 2005

NWCI has welcomed the Parental Leave (Amendment) Bill, which is being debated in the Seanad this week; however it also represents a missed opportunity for the Government who have once again ignored the calls for paid parental leave.'The Bill...read more

Budget 2005 : Half measures & missed opportunities

Published: Tuesday, November 30, 2004

''Budget 2005 has clearly failed children and parents by ignoring the childcare crisis in Ireland today'' declared Therese Murphy, NWCI Chairperson this evening. The NWCI is bitterly disappointed that there has been no announcement in today's Budget to alleviate the high...read more

NWCI support International Day opposing Violence Against Women

Published: Wednesday, November 24, 2004

The National Women's Council of Ireland (NWCI) today expressed their full support for 'International Day Against Violence Against Women' (November 25th, 2004), and the global '16 Days of Action Campaign Against Violence Against Women', which runs from today until December 10th ...read more

The NWCI react with disbelief at the proposal for ‘doctor-only’ medical cards

Published: Wednesday, November 10, 2004

The National Women's Council of Ireland (NWCI) has reacted with disbelief at the proposed allocation of 200,000 new 'GP-only' medical cards in the Book of Estimates published yesterday. ''The National Women's Council of Ireland is greatly concerned that this new measure...read more

Launch of the NWCI Pre-Budget Submission : ‘Women have done the work : its time to share the gains’

Published: Monday, November 01, 2004

''While women have contributed significantly to Ireland's economic success, they have not experienced the benefits of that success'' stated Orla O'Connor, Head of Policy at the National Women's Council of Ireland (NWCI), launching the NWCI's Pre-Budget Submission outside Leinster House...read more

NWCI calls on the Government to put the rights of marginalised women at the centre of the National W

Published: Sunday, October 17, 2004

Over 300 women, most from marginalised backgrounds, joined the NWCI for their National Conference: 'In from the Margin - Women Creating Change' at Croke Park in Dublin today.The Conference was organised to celebrate diversity and challenge racism, combat poverty and...read more

National Women’s Council of Ireland condemns action by Dublin City Council at Travellers’ Halting Si

Published: Thursday, October 07, 2004

The National Women's Council of Ireland to-day expressed their deep concern at the treatment of Travellers at Dunsink Lane in Finglas by Dublin City Council. "At a time when Travellers and Traveller organisations are working and negotiating closely with the...read more

The National Women’s Council calls for legislative action to ensure equal representation of men and

Published: Tuesday, August 03, 2004

The National Women's Council of Ireland is once again calling for legislative action to combat the under-representation of women in politics, following the results of a survey carried out by the General Council of County Councils. According to the survey,...read more

Ireland gets richer, as women lose out!

Published: Thursday, July 15, 2004

'' The results of the UN Human Development Report is further evidence of the Government's lack of action and commitment to women's rights in Ireland,'' stated Orla O'Connor, Head of Policy at the National Women's Council of Ireland after...read more

National Women’s Council of Ireland reacts to the outcome of the Citizenship Referendum

Published: Monday, June 14, 2004

The National Women's Council of Ireland (NWCI) has expressed grave disappointment at the outcome of the Referendum on Citizenship.Speaking today, Dr Joanna McMinn, Director, NWCI, said that the outcome was a ''very ungenerous response, at a time when we...read more

The NWCI adds its support to the ‘Voices for a No Vote’ Campaign

Published: Monday, June 07, 2004

The National Women's Council of Ireland (NWCI) today added its voice to the 'Voices for a No Vote' Press Conference in the Shelbourne Hotel. More than 45 groups, some representing scores of other organisations and individuals, came together to remind the...read more

NWCI calls on Government to modernise social welfare provisions for women without delay

Published: Monday, May 31, 2004

A Woman's Model for Social Welfare Reform and Valuing Care Work, two NWCI reports were launched today by Minister of State, at the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Willie O'Dea, T.D.'The social welfare system fails women...read more

The National Women’s Council of Ireland urges women to VOTE NO in the Citizenship Referendum

Published: Monday, May 31, 2004

A clear message was sent to the government today that women will not be scapegoated in the up-coming referendum on Citizenship. ''This referendum has sent out an irresponsible message at the expense of women and children and we are calling...read more

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